Show Dates
July 25 7:00pm
July 26 7:00pm
July 27 2:00pm
July 27 7:00pm
July 28 2:00pm
July 31 7:00pm
August 1 7:00pm
August 2 7:00pm
August 3 7:00pm
August 4 2:00pm
Cast List
Rose Alvarez – Amanda Marquis
Albert Peterson – Micah Mills
Kim MacAfee – Marie Fahey
Conrad Birdie – Matthew Tiede
Mrs. Mae Peterson – Bette Block
Hugo Peabody – Nicholas Dekker
Mrs. Doris MacAfee – Sarah Friday
Mr. Harry MacAfee – Tom Branham
Randolph MacAfee – Colton Armbruster
Ursula Merkle*– Lydia Kantor
Suzie- Beth Cross
Nancy – Meredith Snapp
Margie – Solveig Carlson
Penelope Ann – Talitha Anderson
Deborah Sue – Rosemary Vega
Alice – Ella Schoeberl
Harvey Johnson – Alex Duff
Mr. Johnson – Tommy Duff
Charles F. Maude – Wes Quist
Freddy/Fred – Silas Renodin
Carl – Conor Johnson
Other Male Quartet Members-
Bass – Silas, Tenor – Wes Quist , Tenor 2 – Conor Johnson, Baritone – Tommy Duff
Mayor – Michael Chabot
Mayor’s Wife – Emily Stern
Mrs. Merkle – Christine Keller
*indicates Dance Captain
Put On A Happy Face Dancers
Lydia Kantor
Solvieg Carlson
Adult Ensemble- (Police, Reporters, Teen Parents)
Sue Mills
Christine Keller
Emily Stern
Michael Chabot
Abbie Foster
Rachel Ward
James Gayther
Teen Ensemble-
Ella Schoeberl
Nate Simonson
Sarah Cross
Carter Branham
Savannah Switzer
Kristen Holland
Youth Ensemble-
Ellie Simonson
Alaina Anderson
Isabella Bresnan
Molly Wood
Claire Friberg
Bye Bye Birdie
The year is 1958, and the much-adored rock-and-roll idol -- Conrad Birdie -- has been drafted into the US army. His songwriter and agent, Albert, and Albert’s secretary and some-time girlfirend, Rosie, hatch a plan for a farewell performance to take place on The Ed Sullivan Show, which they hope will help sell Birdie’s new song “One Last Kiss,” and ultimately save Almaelou records from going under. To cap off the performance, Birdie will actually give ‘one last kiss’ to Kim MacAfee, an avid member of the Conrad Birdie fan club from Sweet Apple, Ohio.
When Albert and Rosie head to Sweet Apple to prepare for Birdie’s arrival, things start to unravel. Kim’s father is starstruck at the thought of being on The Ed Sullivan Show with his daughter, and Kim’s new steady, Hugo gets jealous at the thought of Kim kissing Conrad on national television.
To be performed at the Chaska Community Center
Production Staff
Director: Anna Olson
Music/ Vocal Director: Casey Barker
Choreographer: Kate McCall
Stage Manager: Beth Gale
Scenic Designer: Yonara Nucci
Costume Designer: Kari Grundmeier