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Calling all aspiring teen actors! Dive into a summer of creativity and performance with our Teen Intensive Theatre Camp. Students aged 12-18 will sharpen their acting skills, learn the ropes of stagecraft, and bring a show to life under the guidance of our expert teaching artists.
Our Summer Teen Intensive is designed for students 12-18
Please contact us by email at cvftmail@gmail.com with any questions!

CVFT’s Teen Intensive Rules and Guidelines
CVFT's Teen Intensive is designed for students ages 12-18. This includes students exiting 6th grade and exiting 12th grade.
Camp Hours
Camp will run from 12:30 PM to 4:00 PM, Monday through Saturday with a performance for friends and family at 2:30 PM on Saturday.
Tuition for CVFT's Teen Intensive 2024 will be $175. Refunds are available 1 month prior to to the start of camp, minus a $50 processing fee. A 50% refund will be available for up to a week before the start of camp.
Arrival and Departure
Students may be dropped off as early as 12:20pm at the Chanhassen High School Black Box. Welcome and meeting for students will be from 12:30-12:50pm.
Our program ends at 4:00pm, and students can be picked up between 4:00 and 4:15. If a student needs to be picked up before 4:00, please provide a signed note at drop off indicating when they will be leaving.
Please feel free to arrange carpools with other families! We know this can help make camp hours more convenient. Please let us know if someone other than you will be picking up your child, and please make sure that your child is aware that someone else will be picking them up.
Early Pickup
Need to pick up your child before 4:00 pm? No problem! Simply give us a note when you drop your student off informing us as to when you'll be picking up your student that day. Early pick ups must be communicated on the day of by giving us a written note. If you need to pick up your student unexpectedly in the middle of the day, please call the camp manager at 952-250-7206, and they will notify the teaching artist and your student. Additionally, if you have questions for the teaching
artists, they will be available by email at cvftmail@gmail.com.
Late Pickup
All students must be picked up by 4:15. students not picked up by 4:15 pm will be charged $1.00 per minute for the first 30 minutes, and $5.00 per minute after 4:45pm. This fee will go towards covering the cost of staff members supervising your student past camp hours.
Dress Code
Students are asked to wear comfortable, loose, modest clothing that will allow for rigorous physicality and movement. All clothing must be free of profanity, advertisements for alcohol or illegal substances, and generally in good taste. All campers must wear shoes with a closed toe and heel. Sandals and/or flipflops are NOT allowed. Shorts must be worn under skirts.
Breaks and Lunch
For the safety of all our participants, CVFT's Teen Intensive is a nut-free program. Please ensure that all snacks are free of peanuts and tree nuts.
There will be a snack break every day, as well as water breaks as needed. All breaks will be supervised. Students must bring a water bottle with them every day.
A nut free snack will be provided for all students each afternoon. If your student has additional food restrictions, please inform camp staff. We will do our best to accommodate allergies, and you may send an alternative snack with your camper as needed.
Students may not deface or vandalize the facilities in any way. Vandalism will result in suspension from the program and additional fees to cover any damages.
At CVFT's Teen Intensive, young actors have the opportunity to explore all areas of theatre while building their confidence, empathy, and ability to collaborate. We encourage students to take risks, try new things, and use their unique voice. We are committed to creating an encouraging, inclusive community, where all campers feel welcomed and able to take artistic
Students must behave in a polite and respectful manner while atCVFT's Teen Intensive. Profanity, verbal disrespect, name calling etc. will not be tolerated. For their safety, rough-housing of any kind is strictly prohibited, and we ask that students not run while in the space.
Students are not allowed to bring any kind of weapon the the camp.
It is understood that the parents will remind their students of the appropriate way to behave. Students who repeatedly violate the rules and guidelines will be expelled without a refund.
Parents may not berate, insult or otherwise abuse CVFT's Teen Intensive staff and/or other students. It is understood that parental behavior that violates program rules and guidelines may result in the expulsion of their student without refund.
Electronic Devices
CVFT's Teen Intensive is a “device-free” program. We want students to turn off their screens and explore their imagination and creativity.
It is understood that CVFT's Teen Intensive, its staff, Chaska Valley Family Theater, and its staff are absolutely not responsible for any damaged, lost or stolen items.
It is understood that all images, testimonials, photos, video and audio taken at or in connection with CVFT's Teen Intensive are the exclusive property of CVFT's Teen Intensive and its parent company, Chaska Valley Family Theatre. As a condition of participation, it is understood and authorized that photos, video and audio may be taken of camp participants. This content
may be used by CVFT's Teen Intensive and/or Chaska Valley Family Theater in promotional materials, marketing, and online media.
If you do not wish your camper’s image to be used by CVFT's Teen Intensive, you must notify the camp in writing on or before the first day of camp.
Covid-19 Safety
CVFT is committed to following current CDC recommendations at the time of camp and to the health and safety of our community.